Goed nieuws vanuit Bunda! Een van de journalisten van ‘ons’ radiostation Mazingira FM heeft een belangrijke prijs gewonnen!
‘Mazingira FM has succefull produce a winner in the excellence in journalist in Tanzania (Ejat) awards winner 2023.
Catherine Msafiri Madabuke was the winner on the category in radio program on tourism and conservation in the whole country. The good story that won the award was Elephant-to-human relations are increasingly affected by the harm caused by elephants, Mazingira fm is located 5 kilometer to the beautiful and magnificent Serengeti national park, so interaction of wildlife and human is rampant with that Mazingira Fm usually produce programs which touches direct the community concerns so to get them educated and make the authority to take actions.
The awards are being organized by the media council of Tanzania (MCT),this years event 92 journalist from different media outlet reached the finals from 728 journalist whose work ware scrutinized from all the country in Tanzania.
This is the second time Mazingira fm to win this award, in 2020 Thomas Masalu from Mazingira Fm won it.‘